The three make their way back to camp. Petit à petit, la confiance se ré-installera et Clarke sera prête à commencer une histoire d'amour avec Lexa même si elle doit partir rejoindre son peuple. Lexa tells everyone that the reason for the summit has changed and the Sky People will be joining the Coalition. Dans Resurrection, les deux leaders et Lincoln partirent à la poursuite du sniper des Hommes des Montagnes. Clarke changes Lexa's bandaging and jokes that Lexa is always talking about her death. Clarke then asks Madi if she sees Lexa in her Flame-induced dreams. Mar 21, 2019 - Explore tomboydee's board "Clarke & Lexa", followed by 833 people on Pinterest. [3] Clarke is overwhelmed when the Judge first appears as Lexa, and she cannot resist hugging the Judge even though she knows that it is not really Lexa. Afterwards, Clarke asks Lexa about the markings on her back and Lexa explains that they are from her Ascension Day, each circle representing a Nightblood that died in her conclave. Lexa informs Clarke that a war is brewing and that she needs her to which Clarke spits in her face and proceeds to yell death threats as guards drag her out of the room. A ces mots, Indra la traita de menteuse, mais Lexa la fit taire et demanda à la Skaikru de lui montrer Li… Après être retournée auprès des siens, dans Rubicon, Clarke finit par revenir à TonDC avec une mauvaise nouvelle. Ce collier est inspiré par la relation entre les personnages de Lexa et Clarke Griffin sur le CW The 100. Clarke Griffin and Lexa started off as enemies as Clarke's people and Lexa's people were at war with each other for the entire first season and the first half of the second season. However, Ontari, who is guarding Nia, realizes it is a trick and that Clarke is trying to poison the Queen. Before Clarke leaves, she says that if Octavia is harmed in any way she will tell everyone that they knew about the missile. Lexa asks her to come to Polis with her because it will change the way she looks at things, but Clarke points out that Lexa already has done that. In the morning, the group finds the sniper and he tries to kill all three of them, however, Clarke shoots him through Lincoln's shoulder as he holds a knife to Lincoln's throat. Lexa gives Clarke a nod, showing she understands why she needs time. Overjoyed to see her friends, Clarke turns to find the Judge but is disappointed to realize the Judge as Lexa is no longer there. The pair later meet up with Lincoln in the woods. Clarke tells her that she "felt something for Gustus" and is "still haunted by Costia". Clarke then informs Lexa that she saved her because she is absolutely necessary for the success of their alliance. Clarke says she will do anything. Clarke reassures Lexa that Octavia won't say anything to anyone, but Lexa points out that they cannot be sure. La Skaikru le tua quand même. Clarke admits that she could never do that but Lexa tells her that if she doesn't stop she will put the people she cares about in danger and then walks away. While at Mount Weather's door, Lexa asks Clarke what she is planning on doing after the battle, but Clarke says she doesn't know. The other Grounders try to charge at Clarke, however, Lexa calls them off. Lexa is angered that Clarke is presented to her injured, to which Roan replies that she didn't come easily, as Lexa expected. After saving Echo, Clarke officially acknowledges Madi as Lexa's successor. Clarke and Wells • Surnoms Later, the three try to fight off the giant gorilla. Elles se retrouvèrent dans Wanheda, Part 2. Just as everyone prepares to fight, Abby manages to shock Lincoln and restart his heart. Clarke thanks Lexa, understanding how hard it is for Lexa to trust her. Elle demanda à parler à Lexa en privé. Clarke and Anya • Lexa déclara que c'était Pauna, les deux leaders et un garde de Lexa partirent en courant, laissant Quint mourir. Lexa understands that Clarke is just trying to help but tells Clarke there is nothing she can do to stop this. Dans Sang pour Sang, Part 1,leurs relations devinrent tendus, Lexa trahissant le Peuple du Ciel pour sauver son propre peuple, en ne donnant pas l'ordre d'attaquer le Mont Weather. Clarke retorts and says she could have used saving back on the mountain. Sie konfrontiert Lexa mit Gustus, Costia und zuletzt den verstorbenen Bewohnern TonDCs, die sie hat sterben lassen, obwohl sie ihr wichtig waren. Terminé (mort de Lexa) The Ice Nation ambassador wants to know why Clarke is still alive. Clarke refuses and says that she knows everything Lexa has done thus far was to protect her power over the Coalition. In The Tinder Box, Roan accuses Clarke of only looking out for her own people. Niylah tells Clarke that Lexa would be proud of her, and that Lexa lives on through Clarke. Lexa tells Clarke that she's free to go and she'll have her escorted to her mother. Clarke dit : "Peut-être que la vie ne devrait pas se résumer à une simple question de survie... Tu ne crois pas que l'on mérite mieux que ça ?" The first scripted line in the series was said by Clarke, while the last scripted line in the series was said by the. The pair were shown to be alike in some ways, and they grew closer as they worked to save their people from a common enemy. He tells her that she grieves for Lexa but has learned nothing from her, noting that Lexa was able to rise above her loyalty to Trikru. ... ET’s Time on the OG and Reboot Set (Exclusive) Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Clarke tells Lexa that she knows it wasn't one of the Sky People. Monty and Harper • When the Sky People are accused of poisoning Gustus Clarke denies it, however, Lexa believes that when Clarke plunged the knife into Finn's heart, part of her wished it was Lexa's heart. Lexa's message helped Clarke decide to do the right thing in the end, while also driving her to tears. Ils arrivèrent dans l'antre du gorille, le garde qui était avec elles se fit tuer. Lexa and Clarke have both saved each other's lives. Clarke agrees and points out that Lexa can, though. Relationship Information The series finale saw Clarke take a test to determine the fate of the human race. Clarke argues that it's wrong to leave the people to die by the missile, but Lexa tells Clarke that they are at war and in war people die. However, Clarke hesitates when Lexa makes no effort to defend herself and instead looks into Clarke's eyes and quietly whispers "I'm sorry". Clarke realizes that the attempt to convince Lexa to let Finn go is hopeless so she asks to say goodbye to Finn and Lexa allows this. Elles sont jouées par Eliza Taylor et Alycia Debnam-Carey. In Join or Die, as Clarke and her friends drive around in search of Luna, Clarke is shown staring sadly at the Flame. ", Clarke is emotional when the Judge appears as Lexa. Lexa and Clarke have sex in “13,” but then Lexa dies later. J'ai bien dis à première vue. However, Clarke argues that it's because she's close to Octavia that she knows she is loyal and never would expose the truth. Alycia Debnam-CareyEliza Taylor. Monty and Miller • There might also be grillage, clôture grillagée, cheminée, poêle, foyer, and cheminée à foyer ouverte. Clarke realizes how to take down Mount Weather. [1] She pulls a piece of the throne out from the rubble but this causes the entire structure to collapse, nearly killing her. Lexa recognizes the creature as Pauna by its growls and tells Clarke and her Grounder guard to run. She then watches as Titus removes the Flame from Lexa's neck. Clarke realizes that Lexa cares about her. After Lexa and Clarke went appart, Lexa moved to Paris, France and Clarke after she finally became a doctor, decided to move to Sydney, Australia to start a new chapter in her life, a new home, new friends, traying to overcome her loss and the pain in her heart. Perversion de l'Instanciation, Part 1, 16. Informations Générales Clarke is under the impression that Lexa was an AI. She tells Clarke that she "could be a leader your people look to. 6. Nathan and Eric • Clarke admits that she has come to make a deal but Lexa says that the issue isn't negotiable, however, when Clarke says she knows how to beat the Mountain Men Lexa allows Clarke to say what she wants to say. Octavia and Jasper • Clarke and Roan • Later, when Clarke is drawing in her mindspace, sketches of Lexa are seen displayed by her bedside. Clarke supplia Lexa de la prendre à la place, déclarant qu'elle avait également du sang Natif sur les mains et que c'était pour la retrouver que Finn avait tué. [2] Josephine Lightbourne finds the room and taunts Clarke about her deepest traumas, noting that Clarke still cries when she thinks of Lexa. Lexa wonders if Anya died well and Clarke reassures Lexa that Anya died by her side trying to get a message to Lexa; the only way to take down Mount Weather is if both groups join together. In Watch the Thrones, Clarke is attending a meeting with the ambassadors of the 13 clans. Lexa's guard is killed, leaving only Lexa and Clarke alive. At first, Lexa is against it before eventually agreeing to "blood must not have blood.". Clarke wonders how Lexa did it and then Lexa says she just realized what it really was; weakness. Roan refuses to kill Nia himself but offers to help Clarke do it. The pair are in the woods when Clarke sees her mother. Clarke y Lexa es la relación entre Clarke Griffin y Lexa. Clarke believes that Lexa is also at fault for the massacre but the difference between them being that Lexa has no honor and Clarke had no choice. Clarke stops her and accepts Lexa's previous deal. Isso é até o mundo de Lexa ser virado de cabeça para baixo por uma garota de cabelos loiros e olhos azuis, artilheira da equipe de quadribol da Sonserina. Du cote de Lexa, le contact dès ses lèvres avec celles de Clarke l’avait envoyée dans un autre monde, elle n’arrivait pas à s’y détacher, elle prit Clarke par la taille pour la rapprocher davantage d’elle, Clarke sentis un … Abby doesn't think that it's their concern if the Ice Nation wants Lexa dead, but Clarke convinces them that the Sky People would be better off under Lexa's rule. Clarke realizes that it was one of Lexa's Grounders who poisoned Gustus because the poison was in the cup, which he drank from, and not the bottle that was given to Lexa as a gift. Lexa calls off her Grounders and leaves the dropship with them once she sees that Clarke was telling the truth. Lexa passe un marché avec les Hommes de la Montagnes, libérant les membres Natifs, mais pas les amis de Clarke. They review the plan to take down Mount Weather and begin chanting "Blood must have blood" in Trigedasleng. Wiki The 100 est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. Clarke agrees to this and Lexa allows her to choose some people to bring along. In Bitter Harvest, Lexa is asleep as Clarke sketches her when she awakens from a nightmare. The first time was when she saved Lexa from the. Lexa reprit la parole et fit remarquer que Clarke tient beaucoup à lui. Elle fait remarquer à Clarke que les manières des son peuple peuvent être dures, mais que c'est comme ça qu'ils survivaient. Madi tells her that she knows that what happened to Lexa is why Clarke is scared of her becoming the Commander. Clarke Griffin et Lexa se rencontrèrent, pour la première fois, dans Long Into an Abyss. Eventually, Clarke pulls away because she's not ready "to be with anyone" so soon after Finn's death. Lexa la sauva en lançant un couteau qui transperça le poignet de Quint et dit : "Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op" (si tu l'attaques, tu m'attaques). Octavia and Gabriel • Plus tard, Clarke se reposa et Lexa la regarda dormir. He fires and the bullet misses her, hitting Lexa in the stomach instead. Later on, Lexa opens up to Clarke about having lost a lover, too. Josephine Lightbourne, for example, noted in "Nevermind" that Clarke still cried when she thought of Lexa, six years since her death. Clarke Griffin et Lexa se rencontrèrent, pour la première fois, dans Long Into an Abyss. Perversion de l'Instanciation, Part 2, Mochof * Clarke… elle s'interrompit et allait reprendre quand Clarke la coupa (Merci*) : Ton merci a-t-il vocation de soigner mon amour propre dont tu te soucie si peu, Lexa ? Jordan and Hope • Clarke is shocked and tells Lexa she's never seen blood that color before and Lexa explains that it is nightblood, the blood of the Commanders. TV The 100 Clarke Clarke Griffin Bellamy Bellamy Blake ... Octavia Octavia Blake Clexa Bellarke Murphy Lexa Heda Abby Griffin Raven Raven Reyes Cw Your life in "The 100" including your love life, background story, family, friends, enemies and more. She tells Lexa that she cannot just kill anyone she distrusts, but Lexa claims she can. Clarke and Lexa reunite in the City of Light. With his help, Clarke escapes with the Flame. Lexa la rassure et elles repartirent en direction du campement. Clarke declares her love for Lexa, who in turn promises that she will always be with Clarke before attacking the charging people, buying Clarke the time she needs to pull the kill-switch and destroy the AI. Raven and Abigail • However, Clarke adds "not yet" and that gives Lexa hope that a relationship may happen in the future. The first time was when she stopped her warriors from charging at Clarke in ", Clarke saved Lexa's life three times. Lexa erinnert Clarke daran, dass sie nicht jeden in TonDC dem Tod überlassen hat; nicht Clarke. When Lexa's leadership is threatened, Lexa considers the attack an act of war and orders everyone from the Ice Nation arrested and allows Kane, Abby, and Indra to head to Arkadia. Lexa is impressed when Clarke says "Your fight is over" in Trigedasleng seconds before lighting Finn's body on fire. Jasper and Harper • Titus enters the room with a crate which he opens to reveal Carl Emerson. In Coup de Grâce, Clarke and Lexa are seen in a photograph together that was taken by the Mountain Men. Clarke et Lexa Raven and Jasper • Clarke et Lexa est la relation entre Clarke Griffin et Lexa. Clarke says for Lexa to trust her but she says she can't. Lexa lui expliqua que si elle faisaient ça, les Hommes des Montagnes sauraient qu'il avaient une taupe, ce qui mettrait Bellamy en danger. They reunited in the third season, when Lexa had Clarke brought to Polis. In Ye Who Enter Here, a week has passed and Lexa has obeyed Clarke's wishes to be left alone, but tells Clarke that more pressing matters have come up. In Bodyguard of Lies, Clarke and Lexa are in Lexa's tent, waiting for the signal that tells them that Bellamy took care of the Acid Fog. Clarke argues with Lexa and points out that Finn is not guilty because he did it for her. Dans Bodyguard of Lies, dans la tente avec Lexa, Clarke se tortura l'esprit sur le plan de l'attaque du Mont Weather. Clarke wants to go back and help them, however, Lexa points out that there is a sniper in the woods from Mount Weather, and Lexa argues that the Mountain Men might fire another missile if they see that Clarke and Lexa have survived. Clarke kisses Lexa back and the kiss is long and passionate. Plus tard, Lexa demande à la voir, Clarke se présente sous sa tente, elle lui dit que Octavia n'a plus rien à craindre et qu'elle a confiance en elle. Clarke tries to find an excuse to stay, but Octavia insists and tells Clarke she has an hour to say her goodbyes. Clarke is upset by this and says that Lexa doesn't care, but Lexa says she does care and that it's what she would have done for her own people, too. Lexa tells Clarke that Nia has been charged for crimes against her people and Clarke demands justice. Octavia and Levitt, Clarke and Murphy • In Demons, Raven, knowing that Clarke was close to Lexa, asks Clarke to try to figure out the Flame's passcode as it may have been a phrase Lexa often used. Clarke tries desperately to save Lexa but eventually realizes there is no use. In Survival of the Fittest, Lexa and Clarke, along with numerous other Grounders, are planning their war with the Mountain Men. Lexa está muerta pero siempre sera el amor verdadero de Clarke. She touches it and a flashback to Lexa is shown. He promises Clarke that she will be protected by the Ice Nation in return. Lexa). When Clarke falls into trouble, she subconsciously summons the spirit of Lexa from the Flame to aid her, and the two share an emotional reunion. She then offers for Clarke to stay in Polis as her guest as Titus enters. Clarke tells Madi that she loved Lexa deeply, but it is nothing compared to how she loves Madi. Bellamy and Murphy • Lexa then tells Clarke she wants the Sky People to become the 13th clan and that way, no one would dare make a move on them as they would be making a move on her. Clarke refuses to back down and seeks out Roan in the Polis marketplace. Clarke wants Lexa to show the Sky People how powerful she is and show them that she can be merciful by letting Finn go. As the events in Mount Weather made Lexa look weak, and her existence as the Wanheda compromises Lexa's influence even further. They kissed in "Bodyguard of Lies"; however, Clarke was not ready for a relationship so soon after Finn's death under Lexa's orders. The 100 lexa and clarke kiss scene 2x14 daniel pereira. Elle utilisa les dernières paroles d'Anya, le mentor de Lexa, comme appui et mentionna qu'elle pouvait retransformer les Démons. Niveau d'intimité In The Last War, when Clarke takes the final test to determine the fate of the human race, the Judge takes on the form of Lexa because she was Clarke's greatest love. Clarke proves it to Lexa by drinking from the bottle. NO OT TALK 7. Clarke and Bellamy • Nicknames After Clarke is finished, Lexa stands up and they bid each other goodnight before Lexa leaves the room. Clarke s'aperçoit du plan de Lexa et sauve Octavia. La Skaikru sort de la rente laissant Lexa seule, les larmes aux yeux. Clarke also tells Lexa she has changed and can't risk the lives of her people anymore. Clarke then mercy-kills Finn, stopping the Grounders from torturing him to death, and leaving Lexa shocked. Clexa shippers also created a convention named after the couple, ClexaCon.
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